
Xenophobic articles by Quim Torra, president of Catalonia

5 years before becoming president, mr. Quim Torra wrote these lines where he typifies as beasts with a fault in their DNA those catalans who ignore everything about the catalan culture and traditions, those who dismiss everything that is not Spanish and in Spanish language.

The text (linked below) reads:
"Now you look at your country and see the beasts talk again. (...) Scavengers, vipers, hyenas. Hate-swallowing human-shaped beasts. (...) They are here, among us. They are disgusted by any expression of Catalanity. It is a sickly phobia. (...) They have a small fault in their DNA. Poor individuals! They ignore everything about the country they live in: its culture, traditions, and history. They are impermeable to any representation of the Catalan identity. It causes them urticaria. They dismiss everything that is not Spanish and in Spanish language. (...) They are legion. They live, die and procreate. (...)"

By Quim Torra (President of Catalonia since 15 May 2018).
Dec. 19th, 2012.

Original publication in this newspaper (in catalan), which received more than 100k€ of public subsidy, only during that year (2012) from Quim Torra's nationalist party:

"Ara mires al teu país i tornes a veure parlar les bèsties. Però són d’un altre tipus. Carronyaires, escurçons, hienes. Bèsties amb forma humana, tanmateix, que glopegen odi. Un odi pertorbat, nauseabund, com de dentadura postissa amb verdet, contra tot el que representa la llengua. Són aquí, entre nosaltres. Els repugna qualsevol expressió de catalanitat. És una fòbia malaltissa. Hi ha alguna cosa freudiana en aquestes bèsties. O un petit sotrac en la seva cadena d’ADN. Pobres individus! Viuen en un país del que ho desconeixen tot: la seva cultura, les seves tradicions, la seva història. Es passegen impermeables a qualsevol esdeveniment que representi el fet català. Els crea urticària. Els rebota tot el que no sigui espanyol i en castellà. Tenen nom i cognoms, les bèsties. Tots en coneixem alguna. Abunden, les bèsties. Viuen, moren i es multipliquen."

The president of catalonia has been quite open on Twitter as well, before he changed his handle:

  • "The fascism of spaniards living in Catalonia is infinitely pathetic and repulsive"
  • "Spaniards living in Catalonia are like energy: they do not disappear, they transform"
  • "All spaniards know is how to spoliate"
  • "Unlike spaniards, we drive private cars and pay everything"

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